Where I Stand
Rep. Pauline Wendzel always has and always will support policies that help the continued growth and prosperity of Southwest Michigan.
Gas prices are up 48.7%, Groceries are up 21.3%, and Rent is up 21.5%
Lowering the Cost of Daily Life
Across Southwest Michigan, prices and the cost of daily life continues to increase, and family budgets are being crushed. Pauline Wendzel has supported a family tax credit, a permanent income tax cut, and putting more money back in your family’s budget.
Meanwhile, Lansing Democrats have raised the income tax of every Michigan resident, strangled American energy production, and made life more difficult and unaffordable. These ideas have failed - clearly. It’s past time Michigan stop doubling down on bad policy and focus on truly helping the hardworking people who call Southwest Michigan home.
farms & agriculture
Rep. Pauline Wendzel grew up on a fourth-generation family farm in Bainbridge Township where she learned the value of hard work and getting the job done right.
As your state representative, Pauline Wendzel has partnered with farmers across our state to cut red tape and address the challenges faced daily by Southwest Michigan farmers. Pauline knows these issues and challenges because they’re the same issues her family farm faces. Pauline Wendzel always has and always will defend and support our local growers.
Affordable and Reliable Energy
This past term, Democrats passed their version of the Green New Deal which will double monthly utility bills for Michigan families while decreasing reliability.
As the Republican Leader of the House Energy, Communications, and Technology Committee, Pauline Wendzel has fought to ensure Southwest Michigan families have access to affordable, reliable, and domestically sourced energy.
Pauline Wendzel is fighting to protect local control over large-scale wind and solar projects and is leading Michigan into the future by making our state a global leader in the manufacturing and deployment of advanced small modular nuclear reactors.
Rep. Wendzel travels thousands of miles throughout our community and knows first-hand how terrible our roads are compared to other states. Rep. Wendzel was proud to support a conservative budget plan that directs every penny we pay at the pump to go toward fixing our roads without Governor Whitmer’s radical 45-cent gas tax or irresponsibly saddling our children with billions of dollars of debt. Southwest Michigan residents work hard for their money, and as your state representative, Pauline Wendzel will always fight to protect your paycheck.
Protecting the Second Amendment, Life, and Southwest Michigan values
Rep. Pauline Wendzel believes in a culture of life which starts with having the kind of state where families can easily live, work, and raise a family. She is an unapologetic supporter of the Second Amendment and our conservative Southwest Michigan values.
Rep. Wendzel was recently ranked as the third most conservative member of the Michigan House of Representatives in the 2021 legislative session. Additionally, she has received the endorsements of the NRA, Right to Life, and the Michigan Farm Bureau.
Pauline Wendzel doesn’t just talk about defending our values, she’s taken action and delivered results for our Southwest Michigan families.
Rep. Pauline Wendzel voted to support bipartisan legislation that subjects the governor and lieutenant governor to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and holds state representatives and senators to the same high standard by creating the Legislative Open Records Act (LORA).
You deserve government officials that are accountable to the people they serve.
Supporting Law Enforcement
Strong communities start with safe neighborhoods. Pauline Wendzel has always supported our first responders and opposed the radical idea of defunding the police. Pauline Wendzel has regularly earned the endorsement of the Police Officers Association of Michigan and the Michigan Fraternal Order of Police. Pauline always has and always will support the brave men and women that keep our community safe.
Michigan parents deserve to have a say in their child’s education, which is why Pauline voted to give parents more freedom to choose the programs and opportunities that are best for their kids.
Pauline opposed Democrats radical budget which cut hundreds of millions of dollars from school safety programs such as mental health services and school resource officers.
Pauline believes every child deserves an equal shot at success, regardless of their family’s address or economic status. Pauline always has and always will fight for Southwest Michigan students and ensure they have every opportunity to succeed.